Amoda Tea Box

I’m still on my quest to try as many tea boxes as I can. There are a surprising amount of tea boxes out there, and every time I go digging for them I seem to find a new one. Recently I discovered Amoda Tea through instagram and decided to give them a shot. After getting Amoda twice I feel like I’m getting a good handle on what to expect from them.

Amoda features teas from small-batch blenders throughout North America. They offer two different monthly boxes, the regular monthly box and a caffeine free box. As of me writing this post, the boxes are currently $20 a month which is on par with similar boxes. I get the regular monthly box and it comes with both caffeine and caffeine-free tea options.

Each box comes with four tea and enough for 3 to 5 cups of each flavor. You also get biodegradable filters and a tea theme postcard. I love the postcards because no other box does them. You also get 25% off in the Amoda tea shop, which is great if you find a tea that you like and want to buy more of.

This box doesn’t offer all the customization options with personalization quizzes that some other boxes like Bruu and Sips by offer. Everyone subscribed gets the same teas that month. However they do personalize each box by including the subscriber’s name on the inside on a sticker, which is a nice touch and isn’t something I’ve seen anyone else do yet.

Here are some examples of what to expect in their boxes.

Manna by SerendipiTea is a green tea with papaya, orange, tangerine and apple flavor 

Black Jack also from serendipiTea. A fruity black tea. 

Philosopher’s Brew from Thesaurus Tea an herbal lemongrass tea 

And finally raspberry champagne by Denman island Tea Co, a white tea with raspberry extract 

Harvest, an herbal tea by New Moon Tea co  

Pomegranate, a white tea, by Octavia Tea Company  

Safari oolong by JustTea

Blueberry bliss, a black tea, by Monarch Tea co 

Each month I received a black, green, and a white tea. giving me a variety of tea to try. Overall this is a great box if you are looking for a caffeine-free box option or to discover new small tea companies from North America. It might not be a perfect fit if you are looking for a more customized box to better suit your personal tastes. But if you are looking to discover new teas to keep buying, Amoda’s 25% off discount will come in handy. These boxes gave me new brands I’d never heard of before and don’t see in local stores to try out.

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